Ofertas de Trabajo y Personas que Buscan Trabajo
We seek talented individuals to pursue a Ph.D. as part of the European Doctoral Network IN-DEEP, which focuses on real-time inversion using self-explainable Deep Learning driven by expert knowledge. For more information on the IN-DEEP Doctoral Network, please visit https://www.in-deep.science.
To apply, please look at the Ph.D. positions below and contact any of the supervisors by sending your CV before March 20th, 2024.

Plazo de aplicación agotado
Doctoral candidate #1:
PhD research topic: Optimized explainable deep learning algorithms for inverse problems. Applications in geophysics.
Host institution: University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Bilbao, Spain
PhD Enrolment: University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Bilbao, Spain
Main Supervisor: Dr. David Pardo, University of the Basque Country, david.pardo@ehu.eus
Co-supervisor: Dr. Judit Muñoz-Matute, Basque Center for Applied Mathematics, Spain, jmunoz@bcamath.org
Salary: The gross salary amounts to €32,098 (estimated) per year. The candidate will also receive a mobility allowance of €600 euro per month, and, where applicable, a family allowance of €660 per month and a special needs allowance.
Application: Please send an email with your CV, a letter of interest (up to one page), and the contact information of two referees who can provide letters of recommendation to david.pardo@ehu.eus.
Women are encouraged to apply!

Plazo de aplicación agotado
Doctoral candidate #2:
PhD research topic: Mathematically certified deep learning algorithms for inverse problems governed by PDEs. Application to the personalized treatment plans in oncology
Host institution: University of Pavia (UniPV), Italy
PhD Enrolment: University of Pavia (UniPV), Italy
Supervisors: Dr. Alessandro Reali, University of Pavia (UniPV, Italy), Dr. Giancarlo Sangalli, University of Pavia (UniPV, Italy), Dr. Claudio Canuto, Polytechnic Institute of Turin (POLITO, Italy)
Salary: The gross monthly salary is approximately €3,170, leading to an estimated net income of €2,800 per month, which encompasses a mobility allowance of €600. Additionally, eligible individuals may receive a family allowance of €660 per month along with a special needs allowance.
Application: Follow the instructions in the local call available at http://www-assegni.unipv.it/bandi-dipartimenti-tipo-b/
For further information please contact: giancarlo.sangalli@unipv.it
Women are encouraged to apply!

Plazo de aplicación agotado
Doctoral candidate #3:
PhD research topic: Uncertainty-aware deep learning for parametric PDEs modelling tumor growth
Host institution: Tecnalia Research & Innovation, Spain
PhD Enrolment: University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Bilbao, Spain
Supervisors: Dr. Javier Del Ser (Tecnalia, Spain), Dr. Alessandro Reali, University of Pavia (UniPV, Italy)
Salary: The gross salary amounts to €28.000 (estimated) per year. The candidate will also receive a mobility allowance of €600 euro per month, and, where applicable, a family allowance of €660 per month and a special needs allowance.
Application: Please send an email with your CV, a letter of interest (up to one page), and the contact information of two referees who can provide letters of recommendation to javier.delser@tecnalia.com.
Women are encouraged to apply!

Plazo de aplicación agotado
Doctoral candidate #4:
PhD research topic: Machine Learning & AI methods for solver acceleration and improvement
Host institution: Siemens Digital Industries Software, SISW, Belgium
PhD Enrolment: Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, KUL, Belgium
Supervisors: Dr. Gwendal Jouan, SISW, Belgium, gwendal.jouan@siemens.com, Dr. Bert Pluymers, KU Leuven, Belgium, bert.pluymers@kuleuven.be, Dr. Maciej Paszynski, AGH, Krakow, Poland, maciej.paszynski@agh.edu.pl
Salary: The DC will receive an attractive salary in accordance with the MSCA regulations. The financial package will include: 1) Living allowance yearly gross budget: 40.800€/year (country correction coefficient applies) (Includes salary, employers cost and different benefits), 2) Mobility allowance of €600, 3) Family allowance (€660), if applicable. The exact (net) salary will be confirmed upon appointment and is dependent on local tax, social and health insurance regulations, and the country correction factor.
Application: Please apply through the Siemens website: PhD position: Machine Learning & AI methods for solver acceleration and improvement | Leuven, Vlaams Brabant, Belgium | Siemens
Women are encouraged to apply!

Doctoral candidate #5:
PhD research topic: Adaptive strategies for explainable Deep PDE solvers to speed up the generation of large and significant datasets.
Host institution: Politecnico di Torino (PoliTo, Italy)
PhD Enrolment: Politecnico di Torino (PoliTo, Italy)
Supervisors: Stefano Berrone, Politecnico di Torino (PoliTo, Italy), Kristoffer Van der Zee, University of Nottingham (UoN, UK), Sandra Pieraccini, Politecnico di Torino (PoliTo, Italy), Claudio Canuto, Politecnico di Torino (PoliTo, Italy)
Salary: TThe gross monthly salary is approximately €3,170 (38.040 per year), leading to an estimated net income of €2800 per month (33.600 per year), which encompasses a mobility allowance of €600. Additionally, eligible individuals may receive a family allowance of €660 per month along with a special needs allowance.
Deadline: September 30th, 2024 at 12:00 a.m. CET
Application: Please send an email with your CV, a motivation letter, the individual project, and the contact information of two referees who can provide letters of recommendation to stefano.berrone@polito.it.
Women are encouraged to apply!

Plazo de aplicación agotado
Doctoral candidate #6:
PhD research topic: Physics-aware methods combining traditional solvers and deep learning for infrastructures’ smart health assessment.
Host institution: Arts et Métiers Institute of Technology (ENSAM), Paris, France
PhD Enrolment: Arts et Métiers Institute of Technology (ENSAM), Paris, France
Supervisors: Dr. Francisco Chinesta, ENSAM, Paris, France, Dr. David Pardo, UPV/EHU, Bilbao, Spain
Salary: The net salary amounts to 2260 € (estimated) per month + 340€/ month of mobility allowance. Where applicable, the candidate will also receive a family allowance per month.
Application: Please send an email with your CV, a letter of interest (up to one page), and the contact information of two referees who can provide letters of recommendation to Francisco.Chinesta@ensam.eu
Women are encouraged to apply!

Plazo de aplicación agotado
Doctoral candidate #7:
PhD research topic: Leveraging deep PDE solvers with adaptive strategies and Fourier-based loss function. Application in computational biosciences.
Host institution: Basque Center for Applied Mathematics (BCAM), Bilbao, Spain
PhD Enrolment: University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Bilbao, Spain
Supervisors: Dr. Judit Muñoz-Matute, BCAM, Spain, Dr. Giancarlo Sangalli, University of Pavia, Italy
Salary: The gross annual salary is 28,000€ (estimated). The candidate will also receive a mobility allowance of 600€ per month, and where applicable, a family allowance of 660€ per month and a special needs allowance.
Application: The selected candidate must have applied before the application deadline online at the webpage: https://joboffers.bcamath.org. The candidates that do not fulfill the mandatory requirements will not be evaluated with respect to their scientific profile.
Required documents for application:
Letter of interest
2 recommendation letters
*Note: The document related to the statement of past and proposed future research in the application platform is not required for this call.
Women are encouraged to apply!

Plazo de aplicación agotado
Doctoral candidate #8:
PhD research topic: Fast certified graph neural networks for parametric PDEs modelling flow-simulation in porous-fractured geological formations
Host institution: AGH University of Krakow (AGH), Krakow, Poland
PhD Enrolment: AGH University of Krakow (AGH), Krakow, Poland
Main Supervisor: Dr. Maciej Paszynski, AGH University of Krakow, maciej.paszynski@agh.edu.pl
Co-supervisor: Dr. Sergio Gil López, Tecnalia, Bilbao, Spain, sergio.gil@tecnalia.com
Salary: Terms and conditions of employment and pay according to the current Law with doctoral network measures under the Program HORIZON-MSCA-2022-DN-01. The gross salary amounts to €28,764 (estimated with all costs) per year. The candidate will also receive a mobility allowance of €600 euro per month, and, where applicable, a family allowance of €495 per month and a special needs allowance.
Application: Please send an email to joannab@agh.edu.pl with:
- application, CV, personal questionnaire (to be obtained from AGH at your request)
- document confirming the knowledge of the language at the level of at least B-2, in case of lack of documented knowledge of English it will be necessary to take an exam confirming the required level in the Foreign Language Department of AGH
- a copy of diplomas or other certificates confirming qualifications held
- a letter of motivation containing a brief summary of scientific results achieved so far and motivation to work in the IN-DEEP project
- addresses of two persons who, at the request of AGH, agree to send letters of recommendation.
Women are encouraged to apply!

Plazo de aplicación agotado
Doctoral candidate #9:
PhD research topic: A deep learning minimal residual framework for damage identification in civil and industrial infrastructures
Host institution: University of Nottingham (UON), Nottingham, UK
PhD Enrolment: University of Nottingham (UON), Nottingham, UK
Supervisors: Prof Kristoffer van der Zee, University of Nottingham, UK, Prof. Francisco Chinesta, ENSAM, France
Salary: The gross salary is approximately €63,000 per year, which includes living allowance (~€4,650 per month) and mobility allowance (~€600 per month). Additionally family allowance (~€495 per month) may be applicable.
Application: Please send an email to kg.vanderzee@nottingham.ac.uk containing:
Your CV,
Academic Transcripts,
Letter of interest (up to half a page),
Contact information of two referees who can provide a letter of recommendation.
If the candidate has passed Phase 1 and 2, further instructions will be given on how to apply to the University of Nottingham PhD programme.
Women are encouraged to apply!
Postdoctoral Offer in Physics-Informed Neural Networks (email your CV to: david.pardo@ehu.eus), hiring until Sept 30th, 2024
We are looking for two postdoctoral fellows to join the group MATHDES at BCAM (Bilbao, Spain). They will work under the supervision of David Pardo on novel techniques for solving Partial Differential Equations using Neural Networks that incorporate expert knowledge from Numerical Analysis (the so-called physics-informed neural networks).
Predoctoral Offer in Deep Data-Driven Computing (email your CV to: david.pardo@ehu.eus), hiring until Sept 30th, 2024
Within the groups MATHMODE at UPV/EHU and MATHDES at BCAM (Bilbao, Spain), we are developing novel techniques for solving Partial Differential Equations using Neural Networks that incorporate expert knowledge in Numerical Analysis. The so-called physics-aware neural networks. We offer Ph.D. positions to develop new algorithms, implement them, and apply them to real-life engineering applications.
Examples of previous works developed by the group in the area are:
Plazo de aplicación agotado
University of Coimbra opens a call for one Early Stage Reseacher Position (to develop his PhD in Civil Engineering at UC), in the framework of the METAVISION project (reference: Grant Agreement n.º 101072415 — METAVISION — HORIZON-MSCA-2021-DN-01), funded by the European Union through Horizon Europe - MSCA Doctoral Networks programme, call 101072415, in the following conditions:
Scientific area: Civil Engineering;
Work plan/ Objectives: This doctoral project is part of a larger, multidisciplinary and international project METAVISION: “METAmaterials for VIbration and Sound reductION” (Grant Agreement n.º 101072415) funded under the Marie-Sklodowska-Curie Actions Doctoral Networks within the Horizon Europe Programme of the European Commission. The PhD work of the candidate will address one major problem in acoustic performance of building elements, related with specific dynamic phenomena at given frequencies, for which large insulation dips occur greatly reducing their insulation performance. Here, a strategy to incorporate acoustic resonant structures in panels to mitigate critical and resonant frequency effects will be devised, to maximize their performance without increasing their mass. Appropriate manufacturing processes will also be addressed to allow embedding of the resonant structures within the panel, rendering competitive and useful practical solutions.
The selected candidate will be required to enrol the PhD program in Civil Engineering of the University of Coimbra, in the path of Constructions. The candidate will have to complete a number of compulsory and optional courses in the first semester (a total of 30 ECTS), after which he will develop the research work. The work will be mainly developed at the Department of Civil Engineering of the University of Coimbra, and secondments with the EMPA (Switzerland) and SBB (Switzerland) are expected to occur during the PhD.
Please consult all requirements at https://euraxess.ec.europa.eu/jobs/112565
Application deadline: 14/6/2023
Application by email to: lgodinho@dec.uc.pt
Plazo de aplicación agotado
(Starting as soon as possible)
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Chile Requirements:
A highly motivated and enthusiastic candidate with an Ph.D. degree in Mining Engineering, Civil Engineering, mechanical engineering, mathematical science or computer engineering.
Good knowledge of rock mechanics, numerical modeling is essential. Mechanical engineering graduates with knowledge of soil mechanics and numerical modeling will be considered as well. Excellent communication skills, both verbal and written is required. Computer engineer and mathematical scientist with experience in numerical programming are welcome. Having experience in computation and geomaterial modeling will be beneficial.
To apply please email your academic transcripts, along with your CV, publications in English, and English language certificate (it is optional)to Dr. Amin Hekmatnejad, amin.hekmatnejad@pucv.cl
Applications should be received via email. Shortlisted candidates will be invited for an online interview.
Plazo de aplicación agotado
Postdoctoral offer on Deep Data-Driven Computing at the Basque Center for Applied Mathematics (BCAM), Bilbao, Spain:
Deadline: Feb. 28th, 2022
New call of the Breakout Graduate Fellowship Program of the CDC. The 2021 call will be open from February 1 to May 30, 2021. Foe more information, visit this webpage:
New call of the Project Support Program of the CDC
The projects should start between November 1, 2021, and October 31, 2022. In cases in which funding is granted, the grants will normally be in the range of 1.500 to 5.000 €. Exact amounts will depend on the mathematical quality and impact and on budget constraints. The call will be open from February 1 to May 30, 2021. For more information, visit this webpage:

Plazo de aplicación agotado